Monday, May 23, 2011

Family Law Jacksonville

Jacksonville Family Law, Matrimonial Law, And Divorce:

The title of this practice area reflects three commonly used terms with the same meaning - the end of a marriage. In Florida it is called dissolution of marriage. Vogel & Salvatore, P.A. lawyers are skilled in working with people who are going through one of the most difficult and stressful periods of their lives. Not only sensitive to clients' needs, our lawyers are effective in achieving results for our clients through a variety of techniques.

Custody And Visitation:

Because children are the most precious product of a marriage, custody and visitation are two of the most emotionally draining issues that arise when marriages or other relationships fail. Problems also arise when one party wishes to move to another state with a child. There are instances, called "Hague Convention" cases, when a child is taken out of the United States or brought into the United States by a parent over the objection of the other parent. Vogel & Salvatore, P.A. lawyers are well experienced and skillful in dealing with all of these very difficult types of issues.


Maintenance is a payment that one spouse makes for the support of the other after the marriage ends. Where one spouse is not self-supporting after a dissolution of marriage while the other spouse is both self-supporting and able to contribute to the other spouse's support, maintenance is generally ordered. The amount and duration of maintenance vary depending on a number of criteria provided for by statute. Illinois law provides no formula by which to calculate the right amount for maintenance. Vogel & Salvatore, P.A. attorneys have both prosecuted and defended many cases in which maintenance is a key issue. They are well trained and experienced in developing and presenting evidence for trial or settlement negotiations that take into account the parties' needs and ability to pay, as well as the tax impact of maintenance payments.

Negotiated Settlements:

The best result in any family law matter is a negotiated settlement. Divorce is an adversarial proceeding where often the parties must deal with each other for many years following the dissolution of their marriage, especially if they have children. A well done negotiated settlement provides a foundation for the parties to move forward and interact in a mutually respectful manner. Vogel & Salvatore, P.A. attorneys are experienced and skilled in achieving a reasonable negotiated settlement while dealing with the emotions of the parties with understanding as they resolve issues involving children, complex property division, and support.

Marital Settlement Agreements And Separation Agreements:

Marital Settlement Agreements are agreements incident to a dissolving of the marriage. A Separation Agreement is an agreement between parties who remain married but are no longer going to live together and who want to define their legal obligations and responsibilities to each other and to their children. These agreements provide the roadmap for the parties' financial future and their relationship with their children. They must be thoroughly and carefully done by lawyers with experience in negotiating and drafting such agreements. Vogel & Salvatore, P.A. attorneys spend a major portion of their time doing just that.

For more information, contact Vogel & Salvatore, family law attorneys in Jacksonville. Call us at (904) 230-0778.

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